2014 for Me

Hi everyone, i would like to summarise and throwback what i did in the past 12 months, 365 days and  8760 hours in 2014. Oh gosh, I'm turning 20 soon and not really to prepare yet. 

As i know, the typical action that everyone did is posting selfie, wefie or whatfie in their social networking, especially instagram (thanks to Kevin Systrom for this awesome apps). The hashtag # in Instagram can gather all the posts from all around the world in a same album just like #happynewyear2015. Woooopss, there are million posts in between 2015.

All right, i do complain too much what people did before I wrap up my 2014.

* I got my own transportation in Subang.
* I worked for 3 months before my degree start.
* Highlighted my hair with three colours all together, red, purple and green for CNY.
* Bought a portable camera with my own ang pao money.
* I was once an online seller but i gave up halfway through.
* I can drive alone back and forth between KL and Johor.
* I worked as a volunteer at Disabled home, so much love.
* I encountered a car crash and i settled by myself.
* I have been in a queue for 40 minutes just only for a dessert.(I swear i won't do this again)
* I boosted up my CGPA to 3.50.
* I worked as part time and able to bought what i want with my own earn salary.
* I managed to save thousand cash of my pocket money.
* I am so proud of my healthy lifestyle (no meat, no fries, no fast food for a year, and early to bed).
* I cut my hair 5 inch shorts and i am still satisfied with the result. 
* I cycled 60km, the longest ride i had.
* I met a lot of nice and friendly course mates in my degree life. 
* I have attended six concerts so far.
* I went to Taiwan with my family and able to plan a itinerary for this whole trip. 

The lists above i had done was fairly well in this past year. Thank a million to everyone especially who loving me. Sorry a million times to my imperfections i did to you. 
I am here to challenge you 2015!

Thousand miles in Taiwan

I had been travelling to Taiwan for three times. The first time was 15 ; After three years long, I was here with my friends, for Mayday concert.

But this time, i spent my 9-day in Taiwan with my family. It is a self-guided tour because Taiwan build a good transport facilities like Taipei Rapid Transit. It saves our budget and time, and it is much more convenient ! 

Let the photos be your guide !

Feel in love with their yam yogurt ice-cream stick.

Sun Moon Lake & Formosan Aboriginal Culture Village 

日月潭 & 九族文化村

Heaven down to town.🍲☕

 One of my favourite spot in Taiwan !

Guandong pot is best in winter ♥
Full of red bean inside♥

Cingjing Farm 清静农场 🐏🐏🐏

Luckily we are here with a nice weather without strong wind blowing us. 
 BUT... we can smell stinky odour around the fresh air. 
Poops all over road

Baa, baa, brown sheep,

have you any wool?
Yes sir, yes sir,
three needles full...

 It is undeniable the scenery on top is breathtaking.
How to reject if someone asking me to roll down form the hillside =P

Shifen 十分

Putting hot air lanterns is a typical 'to-do-list' in Shifen. 
Haha, a bit shy to reveal all wishes on lantern, some of them i kept it of myself =P
And let it fly as high as possible. 
May wishes come true where Chinese usually believes in this tradition.

One part of this trip that would never been forgotten.
We rented two electric motorbikes riding around the street.
The first time riding in Taiwan, and it is legal. HAHA
This handsome macho man is my dad!

Holly, this weaker tiny motorbike has not enough power to go up to the slope.

Hualian 花莲

Naked rock with crystal water.
We passed along the mountain wall, twister, crooked road paid us a valuable and eyes catching scenery. 

My 9-day trip has come to the end. 
Perfect gateway is always just a twinkle.
This beautiful land would never make me feel sick to visiting this place over and over.
And yeah, taiwanese are really full of humanity! 

To-eat-list in Taiwan:

Pancake wrapped with various filling, normal breakfast shop can find it. 

Giant healthy sandwich.

Famous bread in Xitou, The monster family.
Sold out at that time, i'm not even try it out, too bad.
Superb elastic ramen ever! Located at Dunhua.


Zhongxiao East Road, Da’an District.
This brand of white coffee, coffee, latte is a must. Available at Family Mart and 7 eleven.

Beef steak in Cingjing farm.

One of their hottest sell,  pancake.
Paddington Garden, located at  Dunhua South Road. 
To whom a pork burger lover, this is a must try dish in Paddington Garden.



Only for girls ♥

Somewhere in East- 六湾岛(Teluk Ramunia)


这次的旅程主要是家庭日,同爸爸脚车队的朋友。不过一部分的人都从Kota Tinggi骑到六湾岛,早晨天还未亮,大约五点半左右就出发展开七十多公里远的脚车程。我们呢,就三几两车约好早上十点出发。

两个小时就到达六湾,其实天气蛮炎热的,房间三点才能check-in, 我们就只能闲聊,吃午餐,拍拍照,吹吹风!


Check-in 过后。。。天气实在太热了!
清澈蔚蓝的海水,细柔的沙滩,淡淡海水的咸味,隐隐约约海浪轻拍形成了悦耳的音调,真的有多久没有感受这一望无际的大自然,涨潮退潮日出日落... ...迫不及待地冲向大海,让沙滩上的沙子把自己的脚给埋了。





大家都饿了吧,我们提早预定了lut lut车,(晚餐,住宿跟隔天早上都包在一起了,一个人RM125),也自备了火锅吃,晚上冷冷的天气吃东炎火锅真是绝配!

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气球各写着:你愿意嫁给我吗?I L.O.V.E Y.O.U

戒指穿进无名指,轻声的说我愿意! 幸福圆满的画上句点。
