Wrap Up !

Coming to the end of the year is a point for self-evaluation. Everyone posting their 2015 sum up photos and 2016 resolution with their non-related photos (no intention), LOL.
I couldn't predict what would happen in my next 365 days in 2016 but what i can do now is to summarise the things i had done in 2015.

Studying in Australia

A thoughtful decision i have been struggling for so long. Thankfully i had made a wise decision to continuing my degree programme in Australia. Gaining me a new life experience and become more independent in certain things. #howluckyiam

Go all the scenic drives in Brisbane

Can't deny, Australia is the nice place to escape all the clutches of the city area. A beautifully diverse landscape you could never miss it. Animals chilling in the pasture, how lovely.

Experiencing new adventures


Isn't it I am brave? LOL
I never ever hesitate about my decision until the day has come, look down from the plane and it was 14,000ft, beyond the cloud level!  I was shrinking on the plane but without a second thought, i was being pushed out of the plane! But you would never know how great the feeling is until i was able to  enjoy the breathtaking view over the lakes and island.


The most fun activity with fellow friends. A lot of fun when you try so hard on pushing and pulling the paddle, and the guide was voicing up to command us for the whole journey. Nice adventure with nature.

Check out my Cairns trip video (Cairns trip 2015// Summer)


This is my second time to do snorkeling after years. The ocean is crystal clear and with a lot of corals. Please god saves the wildlife!


Sand boarding is definitely a challenge task while you're trying to hike up through the sand with your board along. We pushed off ourselves, sliding down the hill with full speed without brake pedal, that is why everyone was get used to the sand by falling the butt off! LOL
No doubt, sand boarding extremely used up our energy but how amazing is when you did it with a bunch of friends!

Check the link here ! -----> Click me 


The Real Rock Climbing but with fully safety equipment. It really tests my determination to climb all the way up to the peak. Encouragement really helped for every step i climbed. Although I can't feel my hand on the next day.

Word to describe my year 2015: HAPPINESS

Thanks god i have them in my life!

New year resolution doesn't mean that much to me, it is just some pointless lists that you wish to achieve, you purposely plan in to be happened into your life, it makes your 2016 sounds great and wonderful, how if you breach the promises?
Life is unforeseeable, cherish what you have now(family, friends and your love) and work harder to achieve your goals without complaining, that's it.

Thank you everyone for bringing so much fun into my life, my 2015 is definitely wonderful!


Australia is a good place to be, indeed. Luckily i pick up a wiser choice from my 2 in 1 option: either staying in Malaysia or leaving to a strange country i had never been through. Meanwhile, I had been lost, like a person adrift in a boat but have no idea which direction should he/she row to. Yet for a homesick person, it is unconceivable to leave my home-grown for a distance 4,743km away. 

Over the past two months, i took my time to take into their culture and lifestyle. No doubt, adapting to new culture needs certain process and time to integrate into, yet concurrent it leads to cultural shock which you do not wish to happen. Let me ranges my cultural shock from severe to minor: language, cultural, lifestyle, weather, people, food, custom. But don't panic, I believe it happens to everyone.

"One's destination is never a place, but a new way of seeing things."
- Henry Miller

WHAT I GAINED except studying?

1. Explore the Surrounding
No doubt to say, I seemed to be a full-time traveller then a full-time student. Instead of using my  time in library, i would rather spend more time on visiting the places around me. Although it sounds wrong for whom a full-time student. But i choose to believe my point, you are only young once, why not? ANYWAY, I had venture out several places and spots as the photos are the prove.

The Wheel of Brisbane
In close feeding kangaroos. I can see how docile they are, how nature deeply attracted me. Just leave worries behind and lay on the grass, enjoy the fresh air. 

Jump to the max for my gold coast trip. Perfect gateway in my easter break. 
My dream photo has come true after 20 years.

Group photo to end perfectly to our adventure trip to Dreamworld, wet'n wild, sea world in Gold Coast.

2. Find new interest
You'd never know your hidden talent unless you get out to your comfort zone and try things with a gang of outgoing friends. How to prove my first sentence? I come out with my own thesis statement: I am absolutely talented. *flip hair and wink eye* hahahaha. However, the premise condition to discover your talent: Be Spontaneous BUT Play Within Your Limit.

 Went to 'The Script' concert. The view is just perfect to enjoy their performance. 

Another spontaneous activity to try out is the illimi run.
 Ready to get splash and illuminate in the dark.

 I felt so sorry for burying my talent for so long. 
Don't you think that mini golf is easy, try and see!

Ice skating.

3. Meet new friends
It is pleasant to associate with people all around the world. For a Chinese-educated person, I can't believe i am the only asian in the class full of english people. I suffered language barrier and talk to no one in a 2-hour class. Luckily, time will prove. I meet a lot of friends from different country and background. Also, clubs and society help a lot.

4. Food!!!

"People who love to eat are always the best people. - Julia Child"
"The secret of success in life is to eat what you like and let the food fight it out inside." -Mark Twain

This is true. I just want to be a best and successful person.

Warning: Don't scroll down if you are a hungry person right now. 

Chowdown- poached egg, bacon, sausage, roasted tomato, mushroom, parmesan rosti, and sourdough toast
  -at Au Cirque.

Mixed greens of pak choi, sugar snaps, green beans, kale, pearl barley, fetta, soy dressing and a poached egg- Au Cirque.
Honey puff at eat street market.
Scrambled eggs and fetta
Toasted muesli with fresh fruits at Beach Cafe, Gold Coast.
One of my favourite brunch place, Shouk Cafe. Pumpkin and Halloumi on Toast.

Twister potato at Eat Street Market
Their soup based seriously nice- Ramen Champion
A must try premium homemade burger in Brisbane- Miel container
Only chinese food will make you miss your home - The cube hot pot, Sunnybank.
Just a walking distance cafe from home, ice cream sandwich in Chester street.
5. Completely get through my half year in Australia!